Saturday, 26 November 2011

Determination and Hijrah 1433H

Today, 26 November 2011 is the last day of the year 1432H. Starting yesterday evening prayer, we will move into the new year, 1433H, 1432H-year leave with memories and bittersweet experiences, joy and sorrow. Keep in mind, we step foot into the new year means a step we increase our age, and that much closer to the time interval we meet the Creator.
The question is whether we have and keep getting alert that? The extent of preparation and we prepare to present all the practices and our devotion to Him? Do we believe to be cool and be among Ashabul Yamin's good pleasure and so diganjari to paradise? Or we will be assembled in the ashabus syimal to be cast into hell? Na'uzubillah min zalik!!
Thus, new year's celebration coincided with the 1433H, let us cultivate with determination and resolve to emerge as a servant of God who believe and do deeds that are commanded by Him, and to be able to leave all that was banned and hated Him.
However, interesting to say here about the difference between determination and emigration. In theory, the determination is a determination, dreams, ambitions and promise to yourself to do something. Usually a person will develop resolutions at the beginning of each year, either at the beginning of the Hijri or AD. Interestingly, not all the resolutions that we build have been met and implemented. In fact, there are those who repeat (recycled?) The same resolution every year. Many more are simply determined, but determination to stay motivated ..
While migration is an act of will (in practice and practical) to leave things the old and replace it with something new. For example, starting the new year, we moved from one that is ill-tempered to be a forgiving nature and gentle. Or are migrating from a heavy smoker to a non-smoking.
See any difference between determination and migration? Yes, actually motivated rhetoric and theory. Not necessarily what we azamkan will become a reality. Maybe some people will submit to the conditions and fate, whether his new year resolutions will be realized or buried just like that. Or if lucky, resolve that can be recycled for years to come! While emigration is more practical and immediate. There is no time to fantasize and ambitious. The time we have been not too long, only 365 days a year. What is important when we moved, we continue to implement the migration without any doubt, doubts and lazy. And no more excuse busy, no time, busy, still not right, not up call and many more reasons and reasons that might cause and may not be reasonable.
In conclusion, after the arrival of the new year 1433H, let us continue to migrate towards the better. Soak hijratur-hijratus messengers and companions, that when it comes to their divine command to migrate leaving Mecca to Medina, there is no reason, and Excuse. They continue to perform the migration with faith and determination. Similarly, when the revelation of Allah's command about banning things such as drinking alcohol, the companions of ra bertong threw wine barrels stored by them without any objection or apply for a postponement. They continued to migrate without having to wait or delay-grace again. The spirit of emigration is that we need to embed and pasakkan in us, so that any new year resolutions we migrated this time not in vain and wasted. Perhaps this migration was the last time for us.

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